The prints on the right side of the exhibition space are organized around a system of colour that is based on metaphysics.
In the system of metaphysics, red stands for “not reality” and light blue for “ideal.”
To foreground light blue ("ideal") with red ("not reality") would then lead to "cynicism" – as in the absence of ideals.
While to foreground red ("not reality") with light blue ("ideal") leads to "dematerialization," as the ideal state of non-becoming.
"Idealism" being the inversion of the "dematerialization according to the organizational principle of the system - where light blue and red exchange positions when it comes to the foreground and the background.
Pink stands for "virtuality" and light green stands for "cognition."
So when pink ("virtuality") is placed at the foreground of light green ("cognition") it leads to "program."
As in virtual cognition.